9 Reasons Our Clients Trust Us to Get the Job Done

This is going to sound like a humble brag, but it’s hard talking about ourselves without sounding like we’re just tooting our own horn…but we do really good work. Work that we love. For clients that we appreciate and respect the hell out of. 

Okay. I realize that that was absolutely a humble brag. But we do come with receipts. Here are nine reasons our clients come to us—and stay with us. They double as nine things we get fanatical about when it comes to our work. 

1. People trust us because we collaborate closely. 

We don't just work for you—we partner with you and work until it works. That means we collaborate closely throughout the entire development process, from digging into the problem through developing a solution. We start by asking the right questions and understanding not just the consequences of the problem, but the root of it. 

Then we work together through developing and refining initial requirements. And we work transparently, keeping you in the loop every step of the way. Want to send off requirements and get a complete solution 8 months later? Sorry. We’re not those guys. We don’t want to be left alone. We want you involved. Yes, that might sound like more work for you. But our clients love it. And the solutions they enjoy end up working so much better and faster because of it. 

2. You get the small company advantage. 

We give every project, big or small, the personalized attention it deserves. Unlike larger firms, we treat every project as significant and vital—because it is for you. You'll never be sidelined; we make sure each project gets our full focus and expertise.

We are more flexible. We're more nimble. We can turn on a dime because we're not a giant company that has to ask permissions at multiple levels in order to get anything done. Plus, we have been doing this together for 15 years and have strong partnerships that allow us to supplement our skills in areas where we may lack immediate resources. It really takes a village!

3. Your problems get solved. Quickly.

We worked on a project where the client had tapped at least 40 developers to work on a data synchronization issue. Now, those developers were all undoubtedly very good and extremely specialized…which was actually a problem. They’d spent years on the issue.

We were called in, spent three weeks on discovery, made a proposal, and had a solution delivered three months later. With four people. How? We’re generalists—and start by looking at the 30,000-foot view. But we’re also multi-talented specialists—and can dig deeper into different aspects of the issue and solution. Some issues don’t need an army thrown at it—they need a SWAT team. 

4. We have hands-on industry and field experience. 

We've spent years in the field, gaining insights into various operations and understanding the unique challenges our clients face. This hands-on knowledge allows us to bridge the gap between technology and industry-specific needs, ensuring clear communication and effective solutions. By combining our expertise with the deep knowledge our clients have of their own fields, we create a synergy that drives successful project outcomes.

We go beyond merely fulfilling requests; we strive to deeply understand your processes and workflows. This approach enables us to offer insights and solutions that truly add value to your operations. By leveraging our comprehensive understanding of your business, we can identify and implement solutions that address your specific challenges and goals.

5. We have boots on the ground. 

Our engineers and product developers aren’t afraid to get dirty! Being able to visit our clients' sites and work in the field makes everything we do better. Face-to-face interaction allows us to build stronger relationships and understand problems more deeply. It’s one thing to communicate over Zoom, but sitting down together and seeing issues firsthand provides invaluable insights. 

Sometimes the real challenges only become apparent when you're on-site, such as realizing a screen interface is unusable in direct sunlight. By experiencing the same conditions as our clients, we can develop practical solutions that truly meet their needs. 

6. We’re systems integrators at heart. 

Our team consists of both engineers experienced with operational technology (PLCs, SCADAs, sensors, etc.) and developers comfortable with enterprise IT systems (ERPs, EAMs, portals, etc.). Together with seasoned project management and subject matter expertise, we’re able to develop comprehensive products and applications that work with both enterprise and field data to actually solve your real challenges.

This also means we have experience working with both IT and OT teams. We worked on a project where OT wasn’t correctly adopting the solutions IT was giving them. Instead of just forcing people to use a solution they didn’t believe in, we got creative. We stuck IT in the middle of operations and helped them comprehend them beyond a theoretical level. We took OT out of their processes and involved them in the solution-making to personally understand why they needed this tech. Only by disrupting the traditional operation of things were we able to move beyond “the way it’s always been done” to something innovative.

7. You get business value. That’s our first priority.

It’s not about technology. It’s not about just finding the right magic product. It’s about delivering business value—and we’re just as committed as you are. Look no further than our values: we get it done and work until it works. 

A lot of people in the industry get really excited about technology. Internet of things, machine learning, AI…those are impressive sounding keywords (and we can get real nerdy about them as well). But keywords aren't our focus….the solutions that bring value to our clients are. Which is why we leverage technology, but the focus is creating effective, efficient solutions.

8. Great folks work for us—and they like what they do. 

Do you want to work with people who just show up every day looking for a paycheck? Or do you want people on your team who love what they do and are empowered to live the life they want while they do it? Sure, we could say something about how that makes them more engaged and productive—but that’s not our objective. We want a positive culture where people truly enjoy their work. And when it’s a great match, our people stay for the long run. 

Timbergrove team working hard

9. Want to start small? Let’s do it. 

While larger companies won’t give you the time of day unless you have an expensive, large-scale contract, we’re happy to begin with a smaller proof of concept to ensure our solutions fit your business needs. Starting with smaller projects and POCs allows us to validate ideas and demonstrate real value before diving into bigger commitments. With our experience and in-house expertise, we're prepared for large projects but understand the importance of beginning with manageable, effective steps.

What’s the next step? 

If you’re searching for a solution to inefficient industrial processes—whether those processes include oil production, manufacturing operations, or transportation logistics—and we sound like someone you might like to work with, you have a couple options. 

Contact us. Let’s talk about your goals and see how we can help. 

Check out our work. See some of the projects where we’ve solved our clients’ challenges over the years. 

Continue stalking us until you’ve found what you need. Here’s our blog, my bio, and our Clutch profile. Go nuts! 

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We love getting to know new people and new projects.

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